This short video is just about what is Anxiety Ireland. A resource and therapy service set up to inform, empower and give people options!

We practice from Glasnevin but connect suffers with anxiety to our nationwide network of accredited counselors.

This is done for no fee. More generally we want to get a message of hope out there to anyone working with anxiety and their families. Anxiety can always change for the better

What is Anxiety Ireland able to do for you?

We have 150 counselors around the country that we know work with Anxiety and related issues.

If you can’t get to us in Glasnevin then we can connect you with any of our options on a no fee basis.

Always happy to talk to people about what is Anxiety Ireland, and how we can make a big difference to someones anxiety

Contact us now or by calling 087 063 0948.

Thanks for watching and reading.
