Are you anxious? If so, what type of anxiety do you have? Our anxiety quiz will ask you questions about six of the common types of anxiety included in the DSMV (latest medical handbook). It is more accurate if you can answer honestly and take the last two weeks into consideration while answering this anxiety test. This anxiety quiz takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. The test will give you a score under each of the six most common types of anxiety and will give you a score at the end.

You might also be interested in reading our information sections for each kind of possible anxiety: general anxietysocial anxietyphobias, OCD, PTSD or panic attacks.

Terms of Use: This anxiety quiz is purely informative, not diagnostic and does not supersede the information provided by a trained medical professional. By taking this anxiety test, you are agreeing to these terms.;

1.In the last two weeks have you experienced anxiety or worry about a thing(s) that used to seem small, insignificant and manageable?
2.In the last two weeks has worry or anxiety made you feel fatigued or irritable?
3.In the last two weeks has worry or anxiety interfered with your ability to relax, sleep or concentrate?
4.In the last two weeks have you experienced repetitive and persistent thoughts that are upsetting, annoying or unwanted?
5.In the last two weeks have you engaged in repetitive behaviours to help you manage your worry? (i.e. double checking, is the oven off, locking doors, washing hands, counting, repeating words)
6.In the last 2 weeks have you felt scared, frightened, vulnerable or edgy without any good reason.
7.In the last 2 weeks have you noticed that you’re carrying a lot of muscle tension and or getting headaches frequently?
8.In the last 2 weeks do you notice needing to go to the bathroom more frequently or have you been having stomach problems?
9.In the past month have you experienced any 3 of the following in combination? pounding or racing heart, shortness of breath, an inability to speak, dry mouth, nausea, trembling or shaking, dizziness or light-headedness, profuse sweating, a sense of impending doom.
10.Do you have episodes of experiencing strong fear that causes you to feel like being out of control or dying?
11.Do you ever avoid places or social situations where you have previously had unexplained episodes of intense panic, anxiety or extreme physical reactions?
12.Do you worry frequently about having episodes of unexplainable intense panic, anxiety or extreme physical reactions or what spend a lot of time worrying or researching what these episodes might mean?
13.During the past two weeks have you vividly re-experienced a seriously traumatic event(s) from your past that has made you feel terrified: upsetting and intrusive memories, flashbacks/reliving the event, nightmares, intense distress when reminded of event?
14.Since experiencing a traumatic event(s), during the last two weeks have you experienced any of the following: feeling suicidal, severely disengaged, severely isolated, strictly avoiding places/activities reminding you traumatic event, loss of interest in activities in general, feeling detached from others or feeling low hope for the future?
15.Since experiencing a serious traumatic event(s), during the last two weeks have you noticed being extremely hyper-aroused: trouble sleeping, irritable/angry, constantly scanning for threats, difficulty remembering things/concentrating, feeling jumpy/easily startled or feeling reckless or out of control?
16.Since experiencing a serious traumatic event(s), during the last two weeks have you noticed severe changes to your thoughts or mood: extreme guilt, shame, self- blame, alienated, mistrustful, betrayed, depressed, hopeless?
17.Would having to face, touch, confront or be near a specific trigger (thing, situation, animal, place, other) be enough to make you feel panicky?
18.Would an image or the thought of a specific trigger (thing, situation, animal, place, other) be enough to make you feel panicky?
19.Would having to face, touch, confront or be near a specific trigger (thing, situation, animal, place, other) cause any of the following: pounding or racing heart, shortness of breath, inability to speak, dry mouth, nausea, trembling or shaking, dizziness or light-headedness, profuse sweating, a sense of impending doom?
20.Does avoiding a specific trigger(s) or stimuli (Items, animals, places, or tasks) for your anxiety, or the fear of the trigger(s) impact on your life, mood or happiness.
21.In social interactions do you experience the following physical symptoms: excessive blushing, nausea, excessive sweating, trembling or shaking, difficulty speaking, dizziness or lightheadedness, rapid heart rate?
22.In social situations do you experience any of the following: worrying intensely in social situations, trying to blend into the background if you must attend, worrying about embarrassing yourself in the social situation, worrying that other people will notice you are stressed or nervous, needing alcohol to face a social situation.
23.Before social situations do you find yourself doing any of the the following: worrying for days or weeks before an event, rehearsing what you might say in social situations, over-drinking or taking substances, avoiding social situations or missing events, school or work because of anxiety.
24.Due to a constant fear of being judged by others or humiliated in front of others do you avoid social situations, including: asking a question, job interviews, shopping, using public restrooms, talking on the phone, eating in public?
25.In the last two weeks have you had extremely intrusive and or repetitive thoughts that upset you a great deal, such as: fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt or contaminating others, fear of losing control and harming yourself or others?
26.In the last two weeks have you experienced any of the following: a strong fear of losing or not having things you might need; needing everything to line up “just right”; ending up finding yourself adhering strictly to superstitions (excessive attention to something considered lucky or unlucky)?
27.In the last two weeks have you found yourself completely compelled to complete certain behaviours for example: Excessive double-checking of things (locks, appliances, and switches), repeatedly checking in on loved ones to make sure they’re safe, counting, tapping, repeating certain words, or doing other senseless yet structured things to reduce anxiety?
28.In the last two weeks have you found yourself doing any of the following: spending a huge amount of time washing or cleaning, ordering or arranging things “just so”; Praying excessively or engaging in rituals triggered by religious fear; accumulating and saving vast amounts of “junk” such as old newspapers, bottle caps or empty food containers?